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2014年8月29日 星期五

點石成金 - 石鏡泉 2014年8月29日

點石成金 - 石鏡泉 2014年8月29日


於9月18日,有個Jake Bernstein講座,他的技術參考指標包括:市場周期,價位形態以及歷史上市場的關連性。他是個理論與實踐並重的炒家,他炒齡已逾45年,身經百戰而仍未死得,並有不少訂戶,自然有他的過人處,可學習處。


恒指剛完成造底 醞釀新升浪

Jake Bernstein何許人也?
Jake Bernstein有44年投資經驗。全球最大規模的對沖基金、證券商、銀行與專業投資者都要求Jake提供投資諮詢服務,他的預測和建議受到世界各地的交易員和基金經理的稱讚;更經常被美國及加拿大的電視和電台節目邀請,以及被各大金融財經刊物和網站引用。



想取得上述答案,要知道Jake成功的投資方程式,如何從客觀的交易規則中特續獲利?想知道Jake的最新研究數據,包括他對恒生指數和黃金的未來走勢?就不能錯過。9月4日前只需付1,388港元即可參加。詳情請瀏覽www.etbc.com.hk/e479.html或致電2880 2442查詢。

Hello Shek Sir:
It is my pleasure to meet you electronically and I look forward to meeting you in person in Hong Kong. As you may know I have been trading for almost 45 years now, having made my first trade in the summer of 1967. My trading approach is based on cyclical market behavior, seasonality, price and time patterns, and historical interrelationships among markets. My research is subscribed to buy many of the largest hedge funds, and banks, and professional traders all over the world. My list of clients reads like a who"s who of professionals. Further, I am a real trader which means I trade practically every day in all time frames and in many different markets including stocks and futures. Here is an overview of what my forecasts have been for the last five years and what we have waiting ahead of us.

* I predicted the largest bull market in history of gold and precious metals. The forecasts were correct and I am now looking at the beginning of another upsurge in precious metals. My most bullish call was Palladium which I believe will make new all-time highs and of which I own a considerable amount.

* I predicted correctly the end of the global economic crisis as well as the start of that crisis and I"m now predicting worldwide inflation to begin last for several years。

* I correctly predicted the rise of the Chinese economy and its growth to international economic power as well as the current slowing down which I believe will and very soon.

* in my webinar two years ago about the Chinese markets I predicted the slowing of real estate as well as my concerns about excessive increase in prices in your market

* my long-term forecast and worldwide interest rates is incorrect and I now see low interest rates coming to an end and beginning a cyclical up move that could last as much as 10 years.

* I correctly predicted that the US stock market would begin a secular bull market which would lead to new all-time highs and I have personally been long stocks for five years based on a forecast.

* my forecasts of rising natural gas prices is also been correct in the forecast now calls for natural gas prices to move much higher over the next few years.

* the Hang Seng index has had a very interesting approximate 2 1/2 year cycle which according to my calculations has just bottom with the peak due in late 2015. I have a specific price projection which I will present my workshop and even meeting. Please see attached chart.

Truly Jake Bernstein
點石成金 - 石鏡泉 舊文