美政府關門 2017-04-26收藏文章
Oxford Economics D
觀望特朗普稅改 美政府再陷停擺
美國人感覺無奈 有機會連累各國
SILVERGEDDON︰Nothing really matters any more.
JRobby︰Not at all. If it slows GOVT Spending down a bit, it"s a good thing.
SILVERGEDDON︰Turning government into glass from space - it is the only way to be sure.
Looney︰The 100-days mark is approaching and it’s time to deliver at least one NEGOTIATED DEAL. I am not talking about Executive Orders or flimsy“continuing resolutions”. I am talking about a single DEAL, any deal, negotiated either with the Freedom Caucus or Democrats, Xi or Putin. The size or importance of the deal doesn’t matter-SHOW ME ONE FUCKING DEAL!
Mtnrunnr︰As a fed contractor I hope they do and they keep it that way. Then in 1 year when the numbers come out and somehow we"re still running a defecit and air quality is catastrophicly bad and bombs are still raining down in Syria, people moght look around and realize that the trillions in waste are lining congress" pockets and beinbf spent entirely in the military industrial complex and that EPA and USGS are actually national treasures.(Get rid of the bosses at the EPA, and USGS, they don"t do shit and drive luxury cars)
Raffie︰Our debt is%105 of GPD so does not matter if they open or closed. We not getting out of this debt and everyone knows it.
HRClinton︰No it matters. Especially when those of you who actually have jobs and pay taxes, don"t get your IRS Tax Refund. Now raise your hand if you"re in that group and still want the Government to shut down and hold on to your money. Or will you go "full J.G. Wentworth" and shout "IT"S MY MONEY, AND I WANT IT NOW!"
HockeyFool︰I don"t ever get a refund. I always owe them some. The goal is not to hand your money to the government all year and then ask for it back on next April 15th. The goal is to keep your money.
點石成金 - 石鏡泉 舊文
來源 source: http://lifestyle.etnet.com.hk