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2015年2月6日 星期五

點石成金 - 石鏡泉 2015年2月6日

點石成金 - 石鏡泉 2015年2月6日





今時希臘的新政府就是這樣,其新財長Yanis Varoufakis說,以下是大意,原文請看另欄,要出原文,以免有屈人之嫌:

⑴我們的選民選我們出來的原因,就是他們不認同前政府簽下來的外債保款,因此我們要將這此外債條款,重新審議:“This platform enabled us to win the confidence of the Greek people,”Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis told reporters after their meeting.“Our first action as a government will not be to reject the rationale of questioning this program through a request to extend it.”

⑵我們不是要求債務寬減,而是只求要債務重組,欠歐洲諸國的債,改為按希臘日後經濟增長率來還和付息的債,欠歐央行的債改為有拖冇欠債,息率是零:Mr Varoufakis told the Financial Times the government would no longer call for a headline write-off of Greece"s 315 bn foreign debt. Rather it would request a“menu of debt swaps”to ease the burden, including two types of new bonds.

The first type, indexed to nominal economic growth, would replace European rescue loans, and the second, which he termed“perpetual bonds”, would replace European Central Bank-owned Greek bonds.

He said his proposal for a debt swap would be a form of“smart debt engineering”that would avoid the need to use a term such as a debt“haircut”, politically unacceptable in Germany and other creditor countries because it sounds to taxpayers like an outright loss.


⑶畀條路我哋行啦!唔係就一齊死喇:“What I"ll say to our partners is that we are putting together a combination of a primary budget surplus and a reform agenda,”Mr Varoufakis, a leftwing academic economist and prolific blogger, said.“I"ll say, "Help us to reform our country and give us some fiscal space to do this, otherwise we shall continue to suffocate and become a deformed rather than a reformed Greece".”

⑷以前政府簽落的債務條款太苛刻了,我哋新政府要推倒從來,因為我們的選民要求我這樣做,做不到,就有違民主了:“Whatever our partners think about our being from the radical left, we"re serious about reform, serious about being good Europeans and serious about listening. The only thing we shall not retreat from is our view that the current unenforceable programme [agreed with our creditors] needs to be rethought from scratch,”he said.

“Our mandate gives us a right to do one little thing - to have a few short weeks to propose our own ideas to the ECB, the eurozone partners and the IMF,”the minister said.“The notion that previous Greek governments signed on the dotted line on programmes that haven"t worked, and that we should be obliged to just follow that line unswervingly, is a challenge to democracy.”

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